Mind Coach * NLP Trainer * Author * Hypnotist * BlackBelt * Entrepreneur
Founder of The BlackBelt MasterMind Academy
Co Founder Aunua Corporate
Are you ready to Change your Mind? * Are there things in your life that you would like to pursue? * Do you have a dream or goal that you would love to achieve? * Is indecisiveness, doubt and lack of confidence holding you back? Now….imagine you were suddenly transported into a future world. Ten years from now. And – there, you had the opportunity to see what had become of your life. Now, imagine you get to sit down in front of the future you, face to face. You see ‘you’. You look a little older but the main thing you notice is how sad you look. You ask why and the older you tells you that they wish they had done things differently. YOU wish you had taken action a long time ago and done all the things you had wanted to. You wish you had had more self belief, confidence and decisiveness to follow the dreams you’d had. But you didn’t. You did nothing and hence nothing changed. If you are struggling at the moment with a burning desire to change your life around, to fulfill your life goal, to follow that dream…… but, all those MANY ‘but’s’ – but this, but that – are holding you back, and filling you with frustration, anxiety and a growing sense of defeat, then join me to help you re-discover your inner self-belief. What if you had a second chance at life? What would the YOU of the future say to the YOU now? What if your second chance is right now?? So, if you are feeling any of these negative emotions, then let me ask you this. Are you ready? Are you ready to get started on the rest of your life, the life you really want? If you are not truly happy and there are little seeds of dreams creeping into the back of your mind, then, I believe… you are ready for change. You are ready to find that self-belief once more, even if you can never remember having it. You know you did, at one point, even if you were only a baby. You know you had it. That pure, unadulterated determination and confidence. When you regain some of this, that passion, then you CAN change your life to the life you truly desire. I sincerely believe this. Join me on my journey and together we will discover yours. I believe in you and soon you will too (-: Have a look at all the ways I can work with you HERE! If you want to make changes right away and get started on the life of your dreams, a life coach is always a good start. Contact me for a personal FREE 1/2 hour Consultation and get started on your journey right away!! What are you waiting for? Contact me today and let's get started! xxx .... |
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